Prof Saroj Kumar Mohapatra was graduated from Utkal University, Odisha in 1990 in Mechanical Engineering. He completed his M. Tech. in Fuel Engineering from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (Deemed University) in 1992 with distinction. Later he was awarded the Ph. D. degree from IIT-ISM Dhanbad in 1997.
He has twenty five years of experience in research and teaching at ISM Dhanbad, SLIET Longowal and Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala. He has published more than hundred research papers in international/national journals/conferences of repute. He has also supervised thirteen funded projects from various funding agencies viz. DST, AICTE, UGC, MNRE and has supervised a number of Ph.D. and ME theses. His area of research is Thermal Engineering (Fluidized bed combustion/rheology/biomass gasification/centrifugal slurry pumps/alternate fuels etc.).
He has also vast administrative experience viz Dean of Academic Affairs (2010-2014) and Head of MED (2005-10) at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department at SLIET Longowal (Deemed University) during 2002-04. He is also recipient of National, GATE, and CSIR fellowship and member of various statutory committees viz. FICCI, CII, DRDO etc.
Sl. No. | Name of Agency | Title of the project | Total amount Rs. in lacs | Period of support (Yrs.) with dates |
1 | MHRD (TAPTEC) | Establishment of a Solar Energy & Bio-gas energy laboratory to train rural youth and students at SLIET Longowal (P.I.) | 08 | 20-11/97 dated March 20, 1998 for a period of three years (completed) |
2 | MHRD (MODROB) | Modernisation of the I.C. engine lab at SLIET Longowal (P.I.)
10 | 26-2/2002-TS.V dated March 19, 2002 for a period of two years (completed) |
3 | MNES | Establishment of an energy lab
at SLIET Longowal (P.I.) |
6.25 | 49/491/2001-SADP dated 27th September, 2001 for a period of three years (completed) |
4 | DST | FIST (Level I) at SLIET Longowal (P.I.) | 20 | SR/FST/ETI-081/2002 dated 13th June 2003 (completed) |
5 | DST | FIST Level I
at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala (P.I.) |
23 | SR/FST/ETI-095/2003 dated 9th September, 2004 (completed) |
6 | AICTE (MODROB) | Modernisation of Automobile Laboratory at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala (P.I.) | 10 | F.No. 8023/RID/BOR/MOD-89/2005-06 dated 17/02/06 for two years (completed) |
7 | AICTE (R&D) | Study of Some Performance Parameters of a Bubbling Fluidised Bed Combustor Using Rice Straw/Rice Husk (P.I.) | 10 | F.No. 8023/BOR/RPS-
136/2006-07 (completed) |
8 | UGC-SAP (Phase I) | Establishment of Non Traditional Machining Centre (Co-ordinator) | 23 | F. 3-26/2004 (SAP II), 15-10-2004 (completed) |
9. | UGC-SAP (Phase II)
2009-2014 |
Establishment of Non Traditional Machining Centre (Co-ordinator.) | 44.5 | F.3-70/2009(SAPII) dated 03/12/09 (completed) |
10. | UGC (Major Research project) | Study on Performance Characteristics of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump Handling Water and Slurry (P.I.) | 7.26 | 37-530/2009 (SR) (completed) |
11. | UGC (Major Research project) | Study of erosion wear of ash-water slurry (Co-PI) | 7.6 | (completed) |
12. | DST-SERB | Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of slurry pipeline for flow of multiparticulate slurry at higher concentration (co-PI) | 37.09 | EMR/2015/00162 dated 17/03/16 |
13 | MNRE | Reforming of biogas for hydrogen and its utilization in CI engine under dual fuel mode (co-PI) | 38.95 | 103/223/2014-NT dated 05/09/16 |
* TEQIP –II co-ordinator of Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (July 2010 –August 2014)
Membership of Professional Bodies: MASME, LMISCA, LMISTE, LMIWS, LMMSI, MSAE, NCMIWS
Fluidised bed combustion, alternate fuels, two-phase flow