
Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner on all occasions and to obey such instructions as are notified from time to time.

The defaulters will be appropriately punished including fine, expulsion from hostel, etc. For major punishment such as expulsion/rustication from the institute, making an adverse entry on the Character Certificate to be issued by the institute and debarring a student from admission to any course offered by the institute, the case will be referred to the Discipline Committee of the institute.

Use of Powered vehicles on the campus by the students is not allowed. However, day scholars are allowed bikes/scooters upto the institute parking lot only.

Cell Phones: Disciplinary action shall be taken against a student if found using Cell Phone in the academic area.

Lethal/Firearms: Students are not allowed to keep firearms or any other lethal weapons on the campus.

Ragging & Act of Indiscipline: Ragging shall include, but will not be confined to the following:

Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student. Ragging, in any form, is banned in the institute and after enquiry, if any one found indulging in ragging will be expelled from the institute. Anti-ragging committees and squads of the institute shall keep continuous vigil for the defaulters.

Ragging, in any form, is banned in the institute and after enquiry, if any one found indulging in ragging will be expelled from the institute. Anti-ragging committees and squads of the institute shall keep continuous vigil for the defaulters.


Mr. Sandeep Rawat
Nodal Officer, Anti Ragging Cell
Contact Number: +91-8360636483
Email ID: ao_hostels@thapar.edu
Office Address: Ground floor, Tejas Hall, TIET, Patiala

Anti-Ragging Policy
Anti-Ragging Committee
Anti-Ragging Squad
Anti-Ragging Duties
National Ragging Prevention Programme

For good and sufficient reasons, following punishments may be imposed on the students of the institute for Acts of indiscipline as given below

  1. Disrupt teaching, studies, examination, research or Administrative work, co-curricular or extra-curricular activity or prevent any member of the institute and its staff from  carrying on his work, or do any act reasonably likely to cause such disruption or prevention, such as locking of offices or any other building;
  2. Damage or deface any property of  the institute or do any act reasonably likely to cause such damage or defacing;
  3. Engage in any conduct which is, or is reasonably likely to be, clearly detrimental to institute’s purpose.
  4. Participate in any activities, such as gherao, camping inside the boundaries of houses of teachers or officers, use of derogatory slogans, abuses and propaganda to incite hatred and violence, preparation for and resort to violence or destruction of property.
  5. Resort to ragging / sexual harassment in any form; and
  6. Take other actions which in opinion of the Director/ Deans/ Heads of Departments/ Librarian, warden and any other officer of the institute performing administrative duties assigned to him within his purview, is unbecoming of the student.

(I) Minor Punishment

  1. Fine up to Rs.5000/-
  2. Fine adequate to recoup the entire financial loss to the institute
  3. Suspension from institute pending enquiry by a committee.
  4. Vacation of hostel.

 (II) Major Punishment

  1. Fine exceeding Rs.5000/-
  2. Rustication from institute based on the findings of the   enquiry committee for a semester or part thereof or for a greater period.
  3. Expulsion from institute.
  4. Making an adverse entry in the character certificate to be issued by the institute at the time of leaving the institute.
  5. Debar a student from admission to any course offered by the institute. Dean of Students Affairs shall have the authority to impose minor punishments after giving the students opportunity to be heard.

 For major punishments, decision will be taken by the   Deputy Director on the recommendations of the Students Discipline Committee constituted under A-17.

 A-17.   The Students Discipline Committee shall consist of the following members:

S. No. Constituent Position
1. Dean of Students Affairs Chairman, ex-officio
2. Four Professors of the institute appointed by the Director Members
3. One member from outside the institute with judicial experience, appointed by the Director Member
4. Registrar Member-Secretary, ex-officio

A-18 The term of office of the members, other than the ex-officio members of the Discipline Committee will be two years.

A-19   If a student is dissatisfied with the penalty imposed upon him, he may make a written appeal within 10 days, to the Director whose decision shall be final.

As approved by Hon’ble Director, the Student Discipline Committee of the Institute has been reconstituted for the period from 1.1.2023 to 31.12.2024 as per following :

(i) Dean of Student Affair (Ex-Officio)

Dr. Inderveen Chana



(ii)Dean of Academic Affairs(Ex-officio)

Dr. Maninder Singh



(iii) Two Professors to be nominated by Director in consultation with DOSA


Dr. Rajesh Khanna Professor, ECED

Dr. Shruti Sharma Professor, CED





(iv) One Associate Professor to be nominated by Director in consultation with DOSA Dr. Ankush Pathania
Associate Professor, SOM
(v) One female faculty member to be nominated by Director in consultation with DOSA Dr. Anju Bala
Associate Professor, CSED
(vi) One member from Legal Section appointed by Director Mr. Amanpreet Singh
Law Officer
(vii) Two students (One male and one female) from students' consultative committee to be nominated by DOSA To be nominated by DOSA Member
(viii) Registrar (Ex-officio) Dr.. Gurbinder Singh, Registrar Member -Secretary

B. Sexual Harassment Policy & Committee

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, intimidation and stress. This includes all forms of gender violence, sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex/gender or amongst the same sex members. Every member of the institute should be aware that while the institute is committed to the right to freedom of expression and association, it strongly support gender equality and opposes any form of gender discrimination and violence.

“Sexual Harassment” – For the purpose of this policy “Sexual Harassment” shall include, but will not be confined to the following

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and/or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made, either explicitly or implicitly, in return for a term or condition of teaching/guidance, employment, participation or evaluation of a person’s engagement in any institute activity. When Unwelcome sexual advances and/or verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct such as loaded comments, remarks or jokes, letters, phone calls or through e-mail or any other communication mediums, gestures, showing of pornography, lurid stares, physical contact or molestation, stalking, sounds or display of a derogatory nature, have the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
  • Forcible physical touch or molestation; Eve teasing, innuendos and taunts, physical confinement against one’s will and any other act to impinge upon one’s privacy; Any act or conduct by a person in authority and belonging to one sex which denies or would deny equal opportunity in pursuit of education or career development, or otherwise making the environment at the institute hostile or intimidating to a person belonging to the other/same sex.
  • Any such conduct committed by a third party or outsider in relation to a student, teacher or non-teaching employee, or vice versa during the course of a person’s engagement with Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology

All the complaints in this regard shall be made to the committee duly constituted by the Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala.

  Policy For Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Work Place


C. Anti Alcohol/Drug Abuse Policy

Parents Affidavit
Students Affidavit


D. Code of Conduct
